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Pro Staff Question - Where Do I Start To Become A Pro Fisherman

Charles "The Bass Doctor" Stuart's Answer

Pro Bass Angler Charles "The Bass Doctor" Stuart

Hello David and Andrea!

Starting out on the tour is a long road and requires planning.

You can read through all the questions in this section of Bass on Hook as this has been discussed and answered many times also.

All of the Pro Staff here on Bass on Hook have been asked and answered this question a few times.

So there is a good deal of information and opinions expressed in the questions and answers section of this website.

How To Get Started To Becoming A Professional Fisherman

You need:

  1. A job that allows you time to fish during the season.

  2. Money to pay for the entry fees or a sponsor or two who "might" help you.

  3. A supporting partner who does not mind losing vacation for the year or years you decide to try your hand at the tour.

Next you need to find out if that is the life for you by entering tournaments and fishing against your local fishermen who will either bend under your superior fishing skills or kick your butt!

Both are positive events that can tell you a lot about yourself and your motiviation to begin the life of a touring angler.

Read my article: “So You Want To Turn Pro” for some more good information.

In 1996 I started on the RED MAN trail (now BFL) and it was a great training ground.

I fished with some of the greats (before they were famous)including Mike Icconelli and Randy Yarnell.

Now I know these men like my own family.

You should find out who the best of the best are in your region and learn from them too.

Tight Lines!

Charles "The Bass Doctor" Stuart
BassonHook Pro Staff

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