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Bass on Hook Logo Graphic History

Below you will find how much our logo has changed over years from the beginning when Dave first started playing around until Paul completed the final one.

Logo used in 1998:

First Logo Created in 1998

Very basic design with images showing through the actual words.

Logo used in early 1999:

Second Logo created in 1999

The lettering was made larger and the hook angle was changed. This graphic didn't last to long on the site because we just were not happy with it's visual appeal.

Logo used from late 1999 to mid 2000:

third logo created at the end of 1999

Same as logo used for the years of 1999 to 2000 but with the color red instead of blue, the sites main color scheme also changed from blue to red.

Logo used from mid 2000 to December 31st 2001:

fourth logo created in 2001

We had so many people ask why we didn't stay with a blue design that we changed the sites color scheme back to blue.

Logo used from January 1st 2002 to 2020:

fifth logo created in 2002

We decided to create an entire new logo with a fresh and appealing new layout as well.

2020 to curent day:

sixth logo created in 2020

Paul decided to clean up the logo for the newly revamped responsive design website.